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Hello ! My name is Sigrid Guerra and I have been living in Naples, Florida with my family since 2000. We relocated to Naples from a small town in Germany and we love it here, we cannot imagine living anywhere other that in paradise!

After working at a local property management company and rental agency for over 15 years, I decided to put my experience and knowledge to work and opened my own home-watch and property management service company. My company is insured and registered in Collier County. I continue to maintain a positive relationship with local, honest and reliable service providers to help with any problem that might occur during a stay or absence in a second and/or vacation home.

Throughout my career, I have experienced many things that can go wrong in a home or condo, some were simple and some severe, but with knowledge and decisiveness, damage was prevented or halted to a minimum.

I strive to provide my clients with the best services possible to prevent detrimental incidents from happening. Constant contact with the property owner is a must, and a report after any property visit will be sent out promptly via email.

My service begins with visiting the property on a regular schedule, as discussed with the owner; my personal recommendation would be weekly or bi-weekly.

Of course this would all be discussed in a meeting within the convenience of your home, where we will build the service package you wish to have.

I am looking forward to meeting you!

Für Hausbesitzer aus Europa ist die Unterhaltung einer Wohnung oder Hauses nicht immer einfach, oft gibt es Missverständnisse auf Grund der Sprache oder der Abwicklung hier in USA. Ich arbeite seit langem im Bereich der Hausverwaltung/Home watch mit Kunden aus Deutschland, der Schweiz und Österreich, sowie auch Frankreich, Italien und Grossbritannien. Meine Erfahrung, Rat und Hilfe wird vieles erleichtern und der Traum vom Ferienwohnsitz wird zur sorglosen Realität.

Biete ebenso Unterstützung fuer Vermietungen und deren Gäste an, vorallem deutschsprachige Urlauber sind dankbar, wenn Hilfe und Verständnis in der Muttersprache zu erhalten sind.

Für alle deutschsprachigen Interessenten, ich freue mich Sie kennenzulernen !!!